Self Identity
We work in partnership with local authorities, commissioners, young people and families providing care in homes for children and young people aged 8 – 18.
New Horizons (NW) Ltd will make every possible effort to maintain a safe caring home where children and young people can develop social skills, build friendships and develop self confidence to prepare them for life ‘after care’.
New Horizons aims to provide a positive quality living experience for young people who need to be accommodated away from their own homes or families.
The company aims to promote self awareness and to encourage the development of self identity whilst acknowledging the need for young people to be aware of the needs of others. it is an underlying principle that young people develop as individuals if they are respected and appreciated.
New Horizons (NW) aims to celebrate the individual nature of young people and to care for them in a manner that promotes their safe development.
Young people will receive a programme of care based on their individual need as set out in their care plan. they will be encouraged to develop / maintain links with their community and will be expected to attend school or complete education work within the home.
New Horizons (NW) will arrange for any specialist care or interventions as agreed with the placing authority and the young person. New Horizons (NW) will ensure that there are adequate and experienced staff at the home to look after the young people.