A Good News Story
A young person joined us in care 2 years ago, they were in mainstream school with an attendance of less than 50% and on the verge of being permanently excluded.
Our staff worked hard on 1-1 support with them, carefully explaining the benefits of school and the rewards it would bring in the future. Each morning staff were met with excuses, they were ill, too tired or didn’t need to attend, fortunately each morning a member of staff persuaded them into attending school, which included a 60-minute journey.
Our staff forged a great relationship with the head of year, the SENCO officer and their social worker to ensure the many issues were resolved quickly and efficiently.
The young person went on to complete their 2 final years at school and their attendance ended on over 80%. They sat 9 GCSE’s and on results day picked up 2 x 3’s, 2 x 4’s & 5 x 5’s, equal to 2 x D’s, 2x C’s & 5 x B’s, a great achievement.
Excellent work by New Horizons (NW) Beach House staff and great liaising with the school and social worker.